Friday 20 January 2023

Miracle during the Expedition to Tabuk

Like Hawazin tribe, the Kaiser of Rome Empire also planned to attack the Muslims because of their survival. Since the Kaiser realized that Islam had become the most powerful religion and Muslim were in strength, so he felt the intensive threat of their state and Christianity.

When the Prophet of God came to know about the Rome’s attack, meanwhile He (SAW) arranged the Muslim army and set off towards Tabuk fort where the Kaiser army was making their arrangements to attack. Some distance of Tabuk, Muslim army settled their camps and kept on eye on every segment of Pagan army. Spending several days, the Muslim army met to lack of food and there happened severe starvation. 

Thus, some Sahaba (RA) suggested to slaughter the camels, but the most senior and close companions of Prophet neglected it by saying, how they would make sure their departure after the ending. 

Yet, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, whoever has the food even little amount submit there. The soldiers who had food brought and submit to the Prophet of God. In this way, the Rasool of Allah (SWT) veiled the little food and prayed to Allah (SWT) for increasing that. Thus, the food was so much increased even that after the conquest of Tabuk the food remained spare. 

Thus, this was not only the miracle of Allah (SWT) but there were countless miracles which were shown by the Divinity particular during the wars. Yet, the marks of all those miracles are found in the whole Arab Peninsula and the pilgrims who go for Umrah definitely realize the miracles at the spots. If you also want to feel the Divine blessing then through the Cheap and Best Umrah packages you must visit all the Islamic places. 

The pilgrims who go for proceeding Umrah in the Fasting days, so their aim regarding performing Umrah is just to get the huge rewards in this sanctified month. Because in the state of Fasting pilgrims are not in a position to visit the Islamic places under the tropical sun. 

If you are a history lover and want to also visit the Islamic spots along with Umrah then December Umrah Package 2023 would be the best option. Because in this month you will have the friendly season which would be proved the best spell for Umrah and visit the other Islamic spots. On the other hand, if you are able to face the hot climate then 5 Star Cheap Umrah Packages for 2023 will fulfill your all-holy aspirations as well. 

Moreover, you will get the Hajj’s equal reward because the Prophet of God said, the proceeding of Umrah in the holy month of Ramadan is equal to Hajj’s reward. Nevertheless, your preference must be for Umrah and after that, you are allowed to go to visit other Islamic destinations to realize the Muslim’s sincerity for Islam.

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