Monday 6 February 2023

Brief History of the Conquered of Makkah

 Muslims have always been fair, even with people who don't like Islam. People who believe in Allah don't lie to others, and they didn't do that when they made the Treaty of Hudaibiya with the people of Quraish. Muslims from Madinah and the Quraish tribe from Makkah signed the Treaty of Hudaibiyah. Since the day the universe was made, Makkah has been the holy place.

Reason behind conquer of Makkah:

The Treaty of Hudaibiyah made Muslims happy because it gave them permission to do Umrah the next year. This is why they took over Makkah. But the tribe of Quraish broke its promise and helped Banu Bakr attack Banu Khuza. Muslims got mad because they didn't want the promise to be broken. Holy Prophet led 10,000 Muslims in an attack on Makkah. Due to that victory, Muslims now find it easy to do Umrah with low price umrah packages Birmingham.

Makkah as the blessed city:

Since the beginning of the universe, Makkah has been the most important city. The House of Allah was built by Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail. Muslims are required to go to this holy House. Allah likes everyone who comes to His House as a guest. Before Holy Prophet was born, people had forgotten what the Holy Kabah was for. They put a lot of idols in the Holy Kabah and began worshipping them instead of Allah.

Holy Prophet and Holy Kabah:

At age 40, Holy Prophet became the Prophet of Allah. When he began to preach Islam, the Kabah was full of idols. He cared about people and wanted to bring them in front of Allah. People in Makkah were against him, and they also tortured him in many ways. Holy Prophet loved Holy Kabah so much that he cried a lot on his way to Madinah. He built the first Islamic state in Madinah, which was a result of his hard work.

Preparing an army and fighting in Madinah:

The Holy Prophet put together an army of strong Muslims and fought many battles with enemies for the sole purpose of spreading Islam. Allah Almighty told them to fight against their enemies and the Kuffar. He took over Makkah in 629, which was the year 8 A.H., and got rid of all the idols that were kept in the Holy Kabah. He said that Kabah is only the House of Allah, which is where Muslims go to pray and is a holy place in Islam.

Fights between Muslims and their enemies:

Muslims took over Makkah without killing anyone. Four different groups of Muslims were led by Hazrat Zubair bin Awam, Hazrat Ali, Abu Ubaidah, and Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed. They attacked Madinah from all four sides. Muslims won the battle, but two of them died, while twelve people died for Quraish.

Response of Holy Prophet towards people after conquer:

After they took over, the Holy Prophet told the people that Muslims didn't hurt weak people, old people, women, or children. They only fought people who made it clear they wanted to fight. He was kind to the people who lived in Makkah and asked them to stay calm. The Holy Prophet treated the people of Makkah like Hazrat Yousif treated his brothers. He set all of the prisoners free without hurting them or punishing them in any way.

A great number of people became Muslims:

After Makkah was taken over, a lot of people became Muslims because of how nice Holy Prophet was. People were amazed by the way Muslims behaved. Hazrat Umrah, the second caliph of Islam, was the Holy Prophet's assistant when it came to giving oaths. New Muslims were taught to believe that Allah Almighty is one and that the Holy Prophet is Allah Almighty's messenger.

Umrah 2023 is the best chance to visit this place via performing the Umrah. They were also told not to do things like stealing, fighting, adultery, backbiting, or lying. When a person joins Islam, he or she has to do the five basic pillars of Islam, which are the Namaz, Roza, Zakat, Jihad, and Hajj. Today, Makkah is seen as a holy city, and only Muslims are allowed to go there.

Tuesday 24 January 2023

How to Stay Healthy this Ramadan

Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan, so they need to pay close attention to what they eat to make sure their bodies can handle the change. Fasting is an important part of many religions, and it can usually be done in a safe way. Many good things happen during the Blessed Month of Ramadan. As fasting helps us learn to be more patient, it also helps us change our bad eating habits. With umrah package from london, Muslims can spend a blessed month in Makkah while making Umrah.

Healthy tips for this Ramadan: Taking care of your health is just as important as taking care of your other responsibilities during Ramadan. By following a few simple tips, you can make sure you have a healthy Ramadan. Here are a few tips that can help us stay healthy.

Pick healthy foods at Suhoor Meals:

Suhoor is the last meal eaten before the sun comes up. It's important to know what healthy foods to eat for Suhoor, and it's also important not to skip it. Suhoor should be a healthy meal that gives you energy to get you through to Iftar. If you eat a variety of carbs, like vegetables, fruit, beans, and chickpeas, you'll have a steady source of energy all day long. With your meal, have low-fat dairy products like yoghurt and try to eat healthy unsaturated fats like fruits, unsalted nuts, oats, olives, and olive oil. Even if you usually have a cup of coffee with breakfast, it's best to avoid caffeine at this time because it can make you feel thirstier during the day. Drink a lot of water instead.

Keep yourself highly Hydrated in Ramadan:

The amount of fluids a person needs depends on their gender, age, activity level, weather, and temperature. Drink a lot of water before the fasting hours start. Less sweet juices or milk are good alternatives that have fewer calories. During Ramadan, don't drink tea, coffee, or soda with caffeine in it. Caffeine makes people urinate more. Soups or stews are good choices for a meal. Fruits and veggies like watermelon and spinach have enough water and can also be used to replace fluids.

Follow Ramadan Nutrition Tips:

• Don't eat too much at Suhoor and Iftar. 

• Eat foods that are high in water, like soup and yoghurt. 

• Don't eat salty foods, which will make you thirsty. 

• Don't eat junk food. 

• Stay hydrated. 

• Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Choose healthy food at Iftar Meal:

It's healthy to start Iftar by eating three dates to break your fast. Dates are a good source of fibre. Whole grains are good for you because they give your body energy and fibre. To get a good amount of healthy protein, eat grilled meat, fish, and chicken without the skin. Don't eat foods that are fried in oil or that have been processed. Also, don't eat too much.

Rest and exercise. Resting is important, but make sure you stay awake long enough to give your body the fluids and nutrients it needs. Choose foods that take a long time to break down and release their energy slowly. Foods that are high in fibre, like whole grains, vegetables, and fruit, and foods that are high in carbohydrates, like beans, wheat, rice, etc., are found in these groups. Even during Ramadan, you should walk or do some other kind of exercise to stay healthy.

It is a blessing from Allah to spend the month of Ramadan in Makkah. Muslims can get this chance by getting December Umrah Packages For Christmas Holidays, which include everything from the flight to the place to stay.

Friday 20 January 2023

Miracle during the Expedition to Tabuk

Like Hawazin tribe, the Kaiser of Rome Empire also planned to attack the Muslims because of their survival. Since the Kaiser realized that Islam had become the most powerful religion and Muslim were in strength, so he felt the intensive threat of their state and Christianity.

When the Prophet of God came to know about the Rome’s attack, meanwhile He (SAW) arranged the Muslim army and set off towards Tabuk fort where the Kaiser army was making their arrangements to attack. Some distance of Tabuk, Muslim army settled their camps and kept on eye on every segment of Pagan army. Spending several days, the Muslim army met to lack of food and there happened severe starvation. 

Thus, some Sahaba (RA) suggested to slaughter the camels, but the most senior and close companions of Prophet neglected it by saying, how they would make sure their departure after the ending. 

Yet, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, whoever has the food even little amount submit there. The soldiers who had food brought and submit to the Prophet of God. In this way, the Rasool of Allah (SWT) veiled the little food and prayed to Allah (SWT) for increasing that. Thus, the food was so much increased even that after the conquest of Tabuk the food remained spare. 

Thus, this was not only the miracle of Allah (SWT) but there were countless miracles which were shown by the Divinity particular during the wars. Yet, the marks of all those miracles are found in the whole Arab Peninsula and the pilgrims who go for Umrah definitely realize the miracles at the spots. If you also want to feel the Divine blessing then through the Cheap and Best Umrah packages you must visit all the Islamic places. 

The pilgrims who go for proceeding Umrah in the Fasting days, so their aim regarding performing Umrah is just to get the huge rewards in this sanctified month. Because in the state of Fasting pilgrims are not in a position to visit the Islamic places under the tropical sun. 

If you are a history lover and want to also visit the Islamic spots along with Umrah then December Umrah Package 2023 would be the best option. Because in this month you will have the friendly season which would be proved the best spell for Umrah and visit the other Islamic spots. On the other hand, if you are able to face the hot climate then 5 Star Cheap Umrah Packages for 2023 will fulfill your all-holy aspirations as well. 

Moreover, you will get the Hajj’s equal reward because the Prophet of God said, the proceeding of Umrah in the holy month of Ramadan is equal to Hajj’s reward. Nevertheless, your preference must be for Umrah and after that, you are allowed to go to visit other Islamic destinations to realize the Muslim’s sincerity for Islam.

Umrah Regulations in Ramadan

 Umrah must be done according to the rules set by the government of Saudi Arabia. This smaller pilgrimage can be done at any time of the year except during Hajj season. However, it is best to do Umrah during the Holy Month of Ramadan. Rules and regulations for Ramadan are not that different from those for the other months. Almost every month, the rules for Umrah are almost the same. Every month, millions of Muslims go on the holy journey of Umrah. Now is the time to sign up for Easter Umrah Packages. If you want to go to Makkah during the holy month of Ramadan, you can take advantage of Ramadan Umrah Packages to make this trip happen. Pilgrims make sure to book Ramadan Umrah packages well in advance so they don't miss out on the chance because flights and hotels fill up early.

Umrah Visa type

At the moment, there are two ways to get an Umrah visa. Pilgrims can book a Traditional Umrah visa through an official Umrah agent. Tourist E-Visa is the second choice for an Umrah Visa.

Kids Age Restrictions 

Pilgrims can now bring their children with them for umrah. For children over 5 years old, pilgrims must get an Umrah Permit through the Eatmarna. But this rule doesn't apply to children younger than 5 years old.

Latest Umrah News 2022

Well, when the bad Corona Virus pandemic hit the world, it made a lot of people afraid. Even the Umrah and Hajj were affected by the bad pandemic. Well, the latest news about Umrah 2022 says that you don't have to show a negative PCR.

The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah recently said that intercontinental Umrah pilgrims no longer need a negative PCR or rapid antigen test to enter Saudi Arabia. The move was made because the number of Covid-19 cases in the Kingdom has been going down. This goes along with the start of the new Umrah season on August 3, 2022. Still, it's important to remind you that you still have to have health insurance to cover the cost of Covid-19 treatment. Moreover, for the safety purposes you can avail the September Umrah Packages.

The Barrier Removal around the Kaaba

The removal of barriers around the Holy Kaaba for the first time in the last two years is also a sign of the end of Covid-19-related restrictions in the Kingdom. The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah made this news official and also posted it on their social media platform. A picture of the Holy Kaaba without a wall around it was posted on Twitter with the caption, "The wall around the Holy Kaaba was taken down." When the barrier is taken down, the pilgrims can get closer to the Holy Kaaba. The Saudi government wants all pilgrims to follow the rules and precautions for health that are in place.

Thursday 19 January 2023

Why Ramadan is the most sacred month in Islamic culture?

 Ramadan is the most holy month for Muslims, and during this month, the reward for every act of worship goes up a lot. Muslims do everything they can to get Allah's blessings during this month because it is the most loved month and the month of spiritual cleansing. Muslims in the UK can go to the House of Allah and get His gifts and blessings during the month of Ramadan with the help of Easter Umrah Packages from the UK.

Importance of month of Ramadan:

Ramadan is the most important month for Muslims, and here are some reasons why:

Revelation of the Holy Quran: Ramadan is considered the holiest month because the Holy Quran was given to Prophet Muhammad during this month. Allah also talked about Shab-e-Qadr, which happens in the last ten days of Ramadan. Muslims give thanks to Almighty Allah for the blessing of Ramadan.

Laylatul Qadr: The Qadr night happens during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which is Ramadan. It's better to worship on this night than for a thousand months. Since the Holy Quran was revealed on this night, it is called the night of power or the night of destiny. Because of its rewards and benefits, Islam has given it too much importance. Muslims pray all night long to thank Allah for the Holy Quran, which they see as a blessing.

Muslims are required to fast during the month of Ramadan. This is another thing that makes Ramadan the most important time of year. Keeping fasts is the best way to become more religious, to feel spiritual satisfaction, to clean up your spirit, and to get closer to Allah Almighty. Allah likes people who fast during this month, and he also gives them good things. Based on what the Holy Quran and Islam say, Muslims' souls become pure and they develop good habits.

Satan is caught in the month of Ramadan. Satan is always busy betraying Muslims, but in the month of Ramadan, Allah Almighty catches Satan and lets Muslims worship with all their heart. Allah is happy when Muslims worship during the month of Ramadan, and their reward also goes up. Every act of worship gives seventy times as much of a reward as it did in other months. During this month, Muslims are free to worship as they wish.

More than one worship:

During the month of Ramadan, when Muslims' faith is fresh and strong, they worship in many different ways. Muslims don't listen to music or do any other kind of sin. Instead, they spend their time in Zikr of Allah. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims often give to others. Muslims also worship in other ways, like Nawafil, to get closer to Almighty Allah.

Eid-ul-Fitr comes at the end of the month of Ramadan. During Ramadan, Muslims take care of themselves and worship God in order to make Him happy. You can perform the Umrah in any other months except Hajj months. Although September Umrah Packages 2023 are quite cheaper as compare to the other months of Gregorian Calendar. They give up what they want and go through a lot of trouble just to make Allah Almighty happy. At the end of this month, Allah gives Muslims a big party called Eid-ul-Fitr as a reward. All Muslims are happy on Eid-ul-Fitr, and Allah forgives the sins of all Muslims who pray at Eid.

Tuesday 27 December 2022

All We Need To Know Before The First Umrah

 Umrah is a ritual that doesn't have to be done, but every Muslim wants to do it at least once in his life. Those who were lucky enough to be Almighty's guests are so happy they can't even put a number on it. The pilgrims are excited about their holy journey to the holy land of the Saudi Kingdom, but they don't know what they have to do and what they don't have to do. Since this is your first Umrah, there are bound to be some questions. If you are offering umrah in group then you should know about the read this post “Things to know when you are in a group Package of Umrah”. So, pilgrims should do a thorough search before going to the holy land so they can do Umrah without worrying and in comfort. Here are some things you should do before your first Umrah.

Yes, this is true in every situation you face in life. If you are going to do something, knowing a little bit about it will help you know what to do and what not to do. The looking is even more important when doing big things like Hajj or Umrah. If you don't do research before you go on a holy pilgrimage, you might waste most of your valuable time on the holy land doing things that shouldn't be done on a holy piece of land. In the holy land, you're supposed to pray and ask the Almighty for forgiveness, but if you don't do your homework before you get there, you might not be able to do your Umrah as well as you could.

Do the math ahead of time. Since this will be your first Umrah, you likely don't know how travel agencies work. It's best to look at a lot of travel agents and Umrah or Hajj travel companies and try to find the most reliable one and the most affordable Umrah package that fits your needs. In this case, it's best to go with "Islamic Travel," since our different Umrah packages for different classes are becoming more and more popular among our customers, whose care and happiness are most important to us. Umrah pilgrims can choose from packages with 3, 4, or 5 stars. 3 star umrah packages are cheap and easy to afford. They come with the basics but not any extras, and they are good if there are a lot of you. If you don't have a lot of money but still want to be God's guest, this package is your best bet. The 4 star packages are in the middle, between the 3 star and 5 star ones. When you travel abroad with a 5 star package, you'll have all the luxury and grace you could want.

Intention is clear; Ihram is the sign that a pilgrim has made the Niyyah (decision) to do Hajj or Umrah. That everything that was once good for him is now bad. There are some rules about Ihram, but they are so easy to break that you might not even think about it. This is likely to have an effect on your Umrah. So, if you don't want your Umrah to be less valuable, it's best to know some of its rules. In Ihram, you can't use soap with a scent, so bring soap without a scent with you or buy it in the holy city. Also, you can't cover your head when you're in Ihram.

Even though it's so hot during the long summer days, don't wrap it up. In the state of Ihram, men should cover their awrah, and it is not a good idea to let it show. You can also read in-depth articles about Ihram and its rules on different websites. For this purpose, our site has all the information you need, so check it out for a good piece of data.

It is an honour for a Muslim to visit Rawdah Mubarak. Pilgrims should go to Rawdah Shareef at night, as this is when it is most peaceful. Because of all the chaos, you probably forgot to pray or didn't do it right. That you thought before you came to the Rawdah. Rawdah is a piece of Heaven that is in the mosque of the Prophet SAWW in Madinah. Rawdah Mubarak is covered with green carpeting, which makes it easy to find. At night, you can pray there in peace.

Sharing with others makes you care about them. Talking to people helps you get to know them, which is a good way to make contacts. Masjid al Haram is the place where millions of people gather every day of the year. People from all over the world are making pilgrimages to the mosque. If you tell them what you think, you will get to know them and they will get to know you. First of all, you will be able to make a good impression of your country on other people. Second, the way you help other people will give you a lot of virtue in that holy place. If you are looking to book a low budget umrah then you have to book 3-star umrah packages. You must think that “Why 3 Star Umrah Package fits on everyone budget.”, then you should read the link bold in the previous sentence.

If you think about some of these things before you plan your first Umrah, you probably won't have any problems during your trip. Islamic Travel hopes that your trip to the holy land of Makkah and Madinah is calm and happy.

Thursday 22 December 2022

Facts You Should Clarify About Umrah With Madinah First

 In the history of Islam, the first Umrah was done in 629 CE, and since then, millions and millions of Muslims have done Umrah. Umrah is a voluntary Ibadah that can be done at any time of the year except during Hajj. Because of this, there is never a quiet day in Makkah and Madinah. Every day, people from all over the world come to the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah to do the Umrah via booking Cheap umrah packages Birmingham if you are living in UK.

Umrah pilgrims can enter Saudi Arabia through either the Jeddah airport or the Madinah airport, since Makkah doesn't have an airport. Makkah doesn't have an airport because the city is always full of pilgrims. If travellers also landed there, the crowds would be too big to handle. Pilgrims usually choose to land at the airport in Madinah because it is so easy to get around from there. Also, the hassle can be avoided, and there will be a lot fewer people than at the airport in Jeddah. Because of this, Madinah is a good place for the pilgrims to land.

Not only can you avoid the crowds if you land at Madinah airport, but you can also use it to get your religious spirit back up. You can visit the Prophet's Mosque if your first stop is Madinah, where you can say Nawafil (non- mandatory prayer). Any prayer said in the Prophet's Mosque is worth hundreds of times more than any other prayer. The Holy Prophet Muhammad SAWW said;

"Whoever prays 40 prayers in my Mosque (the Masjid-e- Nabawi SAWW) without missing a prayer, it will be written that he is safe from fire, safe from punishment, and free of hypocrisy."

He SAWW also said, when talking about how good it is to pray in the Prophet Mosque,

"A prayer in my mosque is better than a thousand prayers in any other mosque except Masjid al Haram, where a prayer is better than a hundred thousand prayers."

Aside from this divine revaluation of the spirit, there is also the freedom from Ihram. The Ihram, which is made of two pieces of cloth, is a dress code for both Umrah and Hajj. Usually, when pilgrims (men only, since women don't have to wear anything special) reach the point of Meeqat, they have to put on ihram to continue walking. It is a state that all pilgrims must be in before they can start their Umrah or Hajj.

As we've already said, Ihram is a two-piece white cloth that is open in the middle. One sheet is used to cover the bottom, and the other is worn on the left shoulder. Since Ihram is not a normal outfit and has only been worn during Hajj and Umrah, almost all men find it hard to wear it. Too, it's hard to carry Ihram. If you land at the Jeddah airport and then go to Makkah first, a pilgrim must put on Ihram at the point of Meeqat, which is a few kilometres before Makkah city. But if you were going to Madinah as your final destination, you don't have to wear Ihram as much. Pilgrims can easily and comfortably visit the Prophet's Mosque and pray there. They can also pay Ziyarat to the other important sites (including Cemetery of Baqi and Roza Rasool SAWW).

When you're done with Ziyarat, praying, and supplicating in Madinah and are ready to go to Makkah, go to Masjid Meeqat in Madinah to enter the state of Ihram and do the rituals that go along with it, completing your holy Umrah trip.

If you make Madinah your first stop in Saudi Land, you will also feel less tired. Pilgrims who have been travelling for a long time and are tired when they first arrive in Makkah sometimes don't show the devotion to this holy city that they have always wanted to. But if your first stop is in Madinah, you'll have enough time to think about how you feel about the religious rules that you'll have to follow in Makkah. Also, going to the Prophet Mosque and other religious sites to pay Ziyarat will make you feel very clean and religious.

Even though the flight from Madinah back to Jeddah has spiritual benefits, it will also save you a lot of money on extra fees and road travel costs that you would have to pay from Jeddah. You can enjoy all of these things if Madinah is your first stop in Saudi Arabia after booking Cheap umrah packages 2023 manchester if you are living in UK. Make your Umrah trip as mysterious as you can so you can feel how close God is.

Brief History of the Conquered of Makkah

 Muslims have always been fair, even with people who don't like Islam. People who believe in Allah don't lie to others, and they did...