Monday 6 February 2023

Brief History of the Conquered of Makkah

 Muslims have always been fair, even with people who don't like Islam. People who believe in Allah don't lie to others, and they didn't do that when they made the Treaty of Hudaibiya with the people of Quraish. Muslims from Madinah and the Quraish tribe from Makkah signed the Treaty of Hudaibiyah. Since the day the universe was made, Makkah has been the holy place.

Reason behind conquer of Makkah:

The Treaty of Hudaibiyah made Muslims happy because it gave them permission to do Umrah the next year. This is why they took over Makkah. But the tribe of Quraish broke its promise and helped Banu Bakr attack Banu Khuza. Muslims got mad because they didn't want the promise to be broken. Holy Prophet led 10,000 Muslims in an attack on Makkah. Due to that victory, Muslims now find it easy to do Umrah with low price umrah packages Birmingham.

Makkah as the blessed city:

Since the beginning of the universe, Makkah has been the most important city. The House of Allah was built by Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail. Muslims are required to go to this holy House. Allah likes everyone who comes to His House as a guest. Before Holy Prophet was born, people had forgotten what the Holy Kabah was for. They put a lot of idols in the Holy Kabah and began worshipping them instead of Allah.

Holy Prophet and Holy Kabah:

At age 40, Holy Prophet became the Prophet of Allah. When he began to preach Islam, the Kabah was full of idols. He cared about people and wanted to bring them in front of Allah. People in Makkah were against him, and they also tortured him in many ways. Holy Prophet loved Holy Kabah so much that he cried a lot on his way to Madinah. He built the first Islamic state in Madinah, which was a result of his hard work.

Preparing an army and fighting in Madinah:

The Holy Prophet put together an army of strong Muslims and fought many battles with enemies for the sole purpose of spreading Islam. Allah Almighty told them to fight against their enemies and the Kuffar. He took over Makkah in 629, which was the year 8 A.H., and got rid of all the idols that were kept in the Holy Kabah. He said that Kabah is only the House of Allah, which is where Muslims go to pray and is a holy place in Islam.

Fights between Muslims and their enemies:

Muslims took over Makkah without killing anyone. Four different groups of Muslims were led by Hazrat Zubair bin Awam, Hazrat Ali, Abu Ubaidah, and Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed. They attacked Madinah from all four sides. Muslims won the battle, but two of them died, while twelve people died for Quraish.

Response of Holy Prophet towards people after conquer:

After they took over, the Holy Prophet told the people that Muslims didn't hurt weak people, old people, women, or children. They only fought people who made it clear they wanted to fight. He was kind to the people who lived in Makkah and asked them to stay calm. The Holy Prophet treated the people of Makkah like Hazrat Yousif treated his brothers. He set all of the prisoners free without hurting them or punishing them in any way.

A great number of people became Muslims:

After Makkah was taken over, a lot of people became Muslims because of how nice Holy Prophet was. People were amazed by the way Muslims behaved. Hazrat Umrah, the second caliph of Islam, was the Holy Prophet's assistant when it came to giving oaths. New Muslims were taught to believe that Allah Almighty is one and that the Holy Prophet is Allah Almighty's messenger.

Umrah 2023 is the best chance to visit this place via performing the Umrah. They were also told not to do things like stealing, fighting, adultery, backbiting, or lying. When a person joins Islam, he or she has to do the five basic pillars of Islam, which are the Namaz, Roza, Zakat, Jihad, and Hajj. Today, Makkah is seen as a holy city, and only Muslims are allowed to go there.

Brief History of the Conquered of Makkah

 Muslims have always been fair, even with people who don't like Islam. People who believe in Allah don't lie to others, and they did...