Tuesday 27 December 2022

All We Need To Know Before The First Umrah

 Umrah is a ritual that doesn't have to be done, but every Muslim wants to do it at least once in his life. Those who were lucky enough to be Almighty's guests are so happy they can't even put a number on it. The pilgrims are excited about their holy journey to the holy land of the Saudi Kingdom, but they don't know what they have to do and what they don't have to do. Since this is your first Umrah, there are bound to be some questions. If you are offering umrah in group then you should know about the read this post “Things to know when you are in a group Package of Umrah”. So, pilgrims should do a thorough search before going to the holy land so they can do Umrah without worrying and in comfort. Here are some things you should do before your first Umrah.

Yes, this is true in every situation you face in life. If you are going to do something, knowing a little bit about it will help you know what to do and what not to do. The looking is even more important when doing big things like Hajj or Umrah. If you don't do research before you go on a holy pilgrimage, you might waste most of your valuable time on the holy land doing things that shouldn't be done on a holy piece of land. In the holy land, you're supposed to pray and ask the Almighty for forgiveness, but if you don't do your homework before you get there, you might not be able to do your Umrah as well as you could.

Do the math ahead of time. Since this will be your first Umrah, you likely don't know how travel agencies work. It's best to look at a lot of travel agents and Umrah or Hajj travel companies and try to find the most reliable one and the most affordable Umrah package that fits your needs. In this case, it's best to go with "Islamic Travel," since our different Umrah packages for different classes are becoming more and more popular among our customers, whose care and happiness are most important to us. Umrah pilgrims can choose from packages with 3, 4, or 5 stars. 3 star umrah packages are cheap and easy to afford. They come with the basics but not any extras, and they are good if there are a lot of you. If you don't have a lot of money but still want to be God's guest, this package is your best bet. The 4 star packages are in the middle, between the 3 star and 5 star ones. When you travel abroad with a 5 star package, you'll have all the luxury and grace you could want.

Intention is clear; Ihram is the sign that a pilgrim has made the Niyyah (decision) to do Hajj or Umrah. That everything that was once good for him is now bad. There are some rules about Ihram, but they are so easy to break that you might not even think about it. This is likely to have an effect on your Umrah. So, if you don't want your Umrah to be less valuable, it's best to know some of its rules. In Ihram, you can't use soap with a scent, so bring soap without a scent with you or buy it in the holy city. Also, you can't cover your head when you're in Ihram.

Even though it's so hot during the long summer days, don't wrap it up. In the state of Ihram, men should cover their awrah, and it is not a good idea to let it show. You can also read in-depth articles about Ihram and its rules on different websites. For this purpose, our site has all the information you need, so check it out for a good piece of data.

It is an honour for a Muslim to visit Rawdah Mubarak. Pilgrims should go to Rawdah Shareef at night, as this is when it is most peaceful. Because of all the chaos, you probably forgot to pray or didn't do it right. That you thought before you came to the Rawdah. Rawdah is a piece of Heaven that is in the mosque of the Prophet SAWW in Madinah. Rawdah Mubarak is covered with green carpeting, which makes it easy to find. At night, you can pray there in peace.

Sharing with others makes you care about them. Talking to people helps you get to know them, which is a good way to make contacts. Masjid al Haram is the place where millions of people gather every day of the year. People from all over the world are making pilgrimages to the mosque. If you tell them what you think, you will get to know them and they will get to know you. First of all, you will be able to make a good impression of your country on other people. Second, the way you help other people will give you a lot of virtue in that holy place. If you are looking to book a low budget umrah then you have to book 3-star umrah packages. You must think that “Why 3 Star Umrah Package fits on everyone budget.”, then you should read the link bold in the previous sentence.

If you think about some of these things before you plan your first Umrah, you probably won't have any problems during your trip. Islamic Travel hopes that your trip to the holy land of Makkah and Madinah is calm and happy.

Thursday 22 December 2022

Facts You Should Clarify About Umrah With Madinah First

 In the history of Islam, the first Umrah was done in 629 CE, and since then, millions and millions of Muslims have done Umrah. Umrah is a voluntary Ibadah that can be done at any time of the year except during Hajj. Because of this, there is never a quiet day in Makkah and Madinah. Every day, people from all over the world come to the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah to do the Umrah via booking Cheap umrah packages Birmingham if you are living in UK.

Umrah pilgrims can enter Saudi Arabia through either the Jeddah airport or the Madinah airport, since Makkah doesn't have an airport. Makkah doesn't have an airport because the city is always full of pilgrims. If travellers also landed there, the crowds would be too big to handle. Pilgrims usually choose to land at the airport in Madinah because it is so easy to get around from there. Also, the hassle can be avoided, and there will be a lot fewer people than at the airport in Jeddah. Because of this, Madinah is a good place for the pilgrims to land.

Not only can you avoid the crowds if you land at Madinah airport, but you can also use it to get your religious spirit back up. You can visit the Prophet's Mosque if your first stop is Madinah, where you can say Nawafil (non- mandatory prayer). Any prayer said in the Prophet's Mosque is worth hundreds of times more than any other prayer. The Holy Prophet Muhammad SAWW said;

"Whoever prays 40 prayers in my Mosque (the Masjid-e- Nabawi SAWW) without missing a prayer, it will be written that he is safe from fire, safe from punishment, and free of hypocrisy."

He SAWW also said, when talking about how good it is to pray in the Prophet Mosque,

"A prayer in my mosque is better than a thousand prayers in any other mosque except Masjid al Haram, where a prayer is better than a hundred thousand prayers."

Aside from this divine revaluation of the spirit, there is also the freedom from Ihram. The Ihram, which is made of two pieces of cloth, is a dress code for both Umrah and Hajj. Usually, when pilgrims (men only, since women don't have to wear anything special) reach the point of Meeqat, they have to put on ihram to continue walking. It is a state that all pilgrims must be in before they can start their Umrah or Hajj.

As we've already said, Ihram is a two-piece white cloth that is open in the middle. One sheet is used to cover the bottom, and the other is worn on the left shoulder. Since Ihram is not a normal outfit and has only been worn during Hajj and Umrah, almost all men find it hard to wear it. Too, it's hard to carry Ihram. If you land at the Jeddah airport and then go to Makkah first, a pilgrim must put on Ihram at the point of Meeqat, which is a few kilometres before Makkah city. But if you were going to Madinah as your final destination, you don't have to wear Ihram as much. Pilgrims can easily and comfortably visit the Prophet's Mosque and pray there. They can also pay Ziyarat to the other important sites (including Cemetery of Baqi and Roza Rasool SAWW).

When you're done with Ziyarat, praying, and supplicating in Madinah and are ready to go to Makkah, go to Masjid Meeqat in Madinah to enter the state of Ihram and do the rituals that go along with it, completing your holy Umrah trip.

If you make Madinah your first stop in Saudi Land, you will also feel less tired. Pilgrims who have been travelling for a long time and are tired when they first arrive in Makkah sometimes don't show the devotion to this holy city that they have always wanted to. But if your first stop is in Madinah, you'll have enough time to think about how you feel about the religious rules that you'll have to follow in Makkah. Also, going to the Prophet Mosque and other religious sites to pay Ziyarat will make you feel very clean and religious.

Even though the flight from Madinah back to Jeddah has spiritual benefits, it will also save you a lot of money on extra fees and road travel costs that you would have to pay from Jeddah. You can enjoy all of these things if Madinah is your first stop in Saudi Arabia after booking Cheap umrah packages 2023 manchester if you are living in UK. Make your Umrah trip as mysterious as you can so you can feel how close God is.

Monday 5 December 2022

Zamzam water’s benefits

 One of the many blessings that a pilgrim enjoys from Allah Almighty is the sacred water of Zamzam well.  In fact, for the pilgrims arriving with All inclusive cheap umrah packages for the holy rituals, it’s among the rites of pilgrimage to drink Zamzam water. 

The well of Zamzam is present inside Masjid-al-Haram, located 20 meters east of the Holy Kaabah. However, pilgrims can’t access it because it’s a restricted area for the public. Nonetheless, the supply of Zamzam water is made available in all of the Haram through various water fountains. Despite utilizing Zamzam water for various reasons while in Haram, pilgrims also carry a certain amount of Zamzam back to their homes mostly in the form of sealed cans for the loved ones.

Here's a brief description of Zamzam water’s benefits.

Enhances blood cell energy.

Among the many fascinating things that scientists discovered about the Zamzam water was that its consumption increases energy levels as well as strengthens the cell systems of the human body. In fact, the notion is even proved through various trials and tests.  

Higher contents of Calcium and Magnesium.

The water of the Zamzam well is scientifically proven to contain higher contents of Calcium and Magnesium. Since, both of these minerals boost the immune system, drinking Zamzam helps in decreasing fatigue. 

The high fluoride levels present in Zamzam also enhance its healing capabilities, similar to conventional medicine properties.

Purest Water.

Possessing the perfect ratio of bicarbonates, Zamzam Water is the purest water to ever exist on Earth. It is even pure than the water sourced from the famous ‘French Alps’. 

Despite this, Zamzam water also doesn’t contain any harmful microorganisms i.e., germs and bacteria. In fact, it is resistant to the growth of such harmful microscopic things. 

Healthy bones.

The rich content of Calcium in the Zamzam water positively affects the human body by strengthening the bone structure. Since, the human body’s bones absorb these vitamins, therefore, benefiting from them for better growth in children as well as adults.

Treatment for many things.

It was narrated in a Hadith by Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) that the Water of Zamzam is good for whatever purpose, reason, or intention it has been drunk for by a person.

Despite the beneficial nature of Zamzam, the water remains sacred for the believers of the Islamic faith because of its association with Islamic history. Therefore, also adding sentimental value to it. Consequently, Muslims consume Zamzam not only because of its health benefits but also because of the spiritual significance it holds. Book All inclusive cheap umrah packages 2023  to avail these benefits.

Brief History of the Conquered of Makkah

 Muslims have always been fair, even with people who don't like Islam. People who believe in Allah don't lie to others, and they did...